Cyberduck s3
Cyberduck s3

cyberduck s3

1 / automatically pickup the credentials from runtime(env), first one to provide auth wins \ (env_auth) / use an OCI user and an API key for authentication. Choose your Auth Provider Choose a number from below, or type in your own string value. XX / Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage \ (oracleobjectstorage) Storage> oracleobjectstorage Option provider. Choose a number from below, or type in your own value. rclone config ) New remote d) Delete remote r) Rename remote c) Copy remote s) Set configuration password q) Quit config e/n/d/r/c/s/q> n Enter name for new remote. Update the entry in the Server field and replace with your tenancy’s namespace (For more information about namespaces, and ways to find your namespace refer to the Oracle Cloud Documentation).On Windows, you may need to edit the bookmark manually. On macOS, the connection profile will be opened automatically in edit mode. Open the downloaded profile by double-clicking on it in Finder or Explorer.OCI Object Storage (us-ashburn-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (uk-london-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (eu-zurich-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (ap-chuncheon-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (ap-seoul-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (me-jeddah-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (eu-amsterdam-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (ap-tokyo-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (ap-osaka-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (ap-mumbai-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (ap-hyderabad-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (eu-frankfurt-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (ca-toronto-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (ca-montreal-1).cyberduckprofile.

cyberduck s3

OCI Object Storage (sa-saopaulo-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (ap-melbourne-1).cyberduckprofile.OCI Object Storage (ap-sydney-1).cyberduckprofile.Download the connection profile for the region you want to use:.

Cyberduck s3